愛すべき体育会系UIたち:Step UI and Exergaming Machines

Looks familiar? It's not Sony's DDR dance pad, but 'Step UI' by Microsoft. With Step UI, you can delete spams stomping with two feet (duel steps). MS thinks it's cool. (Web|Video)

(courtesy:Microsoft Research)




Physical UI has been around since early 1990s, and those videogame/exercise equipment hybrids are called "Exergaming" or "Exertainment." Here are some examples.


Kilowatt SPORT($799.97-promotional price) by PowerGrid Fitness lets you plug into any game console. PS2, XBox, GameCube... You name it!  The harder and faster you push, the more points and speed you get. CES's 2006 Innovation of the Year. (Related Article) 下の写真はPowerGrid Fitness社の「Kilowatt SPORT」($799.97-特別価格) 。今年もコンスーマ・エレクトロニクス・ショー(CES)で年間技術賞を受賞した。マスコミの露出は高い。強く速く踏めば踏むほどスピードや点が稼げる仕組み。PS2, XBox, GameCubeほか市販のコンソールなら何でも繋いで遊べる。それにしても写真の2人、絶対これ以外に陸トレしてるカラダだよね。笑

MIT projectCycleScore also merged video gaming with physical fitness(detail). MITのiCampusから生まれたCycleScore」はキャンパス内ジムで試用の段階。ゲームはオリジナルの簡単なもの。商用化が待たれる。詳細はここ

Tacx's Virtual Reality Trainer 'i-Magic Fortius'($1599) gained much attention at Engadget.
Tacx社製「i-Magic Fortius」は$1599とやや高め。関連記事はここ

According to Boston Globe, Life Fitness was one of the first companies that tried hooking up a Nintendo game console to an exercise bike in the early 1990s. In Sept. 2003, a Japanese company, CatEye, began offering a $349 stationary bike 'GAME BIKE' that 'allows you to control any PS2 race game with your bicycle: steering with the handlebars and pedaling for speed. (manual). ボストングローブ紙によれば米国では`90年代前半にLifeFitness社が任天堂コンソールに自転車漕ぎを連結させたのが始まり。2003年9月には日本のCateye社がハンドルとペダルをコントローラ代わりに使う「GAME BIKE(GB-200)」を発表している。PS&PS2対応。
