ソニー、PSP-Whiteの広告が人種差別と騒がれる:Sony's PSP ad Accused of Racism

(photo courtesy of Joystiq: Ad critic)

The new white PSP is coming to Europe soon, and this controversial ad appeared on billboards in Amsterdam, promptly causing a shock across the US videogaming community. Online forums like Kotaku, Joystiq and Digital Battle are questioning whether the ads are racist.

It can be a part of TBWA's disruptive marketing to 'challenge conventional wisdom, overturning assumptions and prejudices that get in the way of imagining new possibilities and visionary ideas'(TBWA's web), but Guardian Unlimited wonders if "the world is ready to explore themes of race and domination in the context of a videogame console ad."

Sony's spokesperson told gamesindustry.biz that 'the images have been designed to show this contrast in colours of the PSPs , and have no other message or purpose.' They're never ment to be shown to the public outside the Holland.

The ad somehow reminded me of the American cookie commercial in which white cookie does sumo fighting against the black opponent. Both end up sticking together to live their life together happily ever after... Ah!




震源地はゲーマーたちのフォーラムJoystiqKotakuDigital Battleなど。「ソニーも昔は良かったのに」、「不快」、「残念」、「これで白欲しくなる人いるのかな?」、「これもアリ?」、「ショック受ける方がおかしいのかな」、「ソニーなんだから分かってやってるんでしょ?」と反応はマチマチだが、「アメリカでは考えられない広告」という点ではみんな一致している。




横道だが、この看板見て咄嗟に思い出したのが、白のクッキーと黒のクッキーが土俵で相撲を取るアメリカのテレビCMだ。ただし、そこはアメリカ。ガップリ組み合った途端、ネバネバのクリームで胴体がくっ付いて、どうあがいても離れなくなっちゃうのだ!!! ああ…

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