アップルのエンジニアは経営陣にアンテナ問題について予め警告していた:Apple Engineer Told Jobs iPhone 4 Antenna Might Cut Calls - Bloomberg

So, they knew it...

Last year, Ruben Caballero, a senior engineer and antenna expert, informed Apple’s management the device’s design may hurt reception, said the person, who is not authorized to speak on Apple’s behalf and asked not to be identified. A carrier partner also raised concerns about the antenna before the device’s June 24 release, according to another person familiar with the situation. [...]

Apple’s industrial design team, led by Jonathan Ive, submitted several iPhone designs before Jobs and other executives settled on the bezel antenna, said the person familiar with the company’s design. Caballero, the antenna expert, voiced concern in early planning meetings that it might lead to dropped calls and presented a serious engineering challenge, the person said.

昨年、上級エンジニアでアンテナのエキスパートのルーベン・カバレーロ氏はアップル経営陣に、この端末(iPhone 4)のデザインは受信感度を落とす可能性もあると伝えたと、ある人物(アップルを代表して語る許可は得ていないため匿名を希望)は話している。さらに提携キャリアからも6月24日の製品発売前にアンテナを問題視する声が上がった、と別の情報筋は話している。[...]

UPDATE: WSJ confirmed it. ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルも後追いで確認した。

Apple engineers were aware of the risks associated with the new antenna design as early as a year ago, but Chief Executive Steve Jobs liked the design so much that Apple went ahead with its development, said another person familiar with the matter.
[...] In response to the article, an Apple spokesman said, "We challenge Bloomberg BusinessWeek to produce anything beyond rumors to back this up. It's simply not true." A spokesman for Bloomberg News said it stands by its story.


As Business Insider noted,  Connie Guglielmo was "one of the Bloomberg reporters who first reported that Steve Jobs was considering a liver transplant in January, 2009" and "Facts attributed to unnamed sources are NOT rumors; there's an important difference, whether Apple PR likes it or no."

Business Insiderが目ざとく気付いたように、本件担当Connie Guglielmo記者はジョブズ肝移植を最初にスクープしたブルームバーグ取材班の人だ。「匿名ソースからとった事実は噂ではない。Apple広報が好むと好まざるとに関わらず、両者の間には重大な違いがある」とBusiness Insiderは指摘している。

