アリゾナ下院議員乱射男の残した動画、サラ・ペイリンの"標的”MAP:Gabrielle Giffords Shot

Mark Kimble, an aide to Ms. Giffords, said the shooting occurred about 10 a.m., in a small area between an American flag and an Arizona flag. He said he went into the store for coffee, and as he came out the gunman was walking up and started firing.

Ms. Giffords had just been talking to a couple about Medicare and reimbursements, when the gunman walked up and shot Judge Roll, Mr. Kimble said. He added that the judge walked up to Giffords and shouted 'Hi,' and then the shooting began.

'Everyone hit the ground,' Kimble said. 'It was so shocking. I still can’t believe this happened.' The gunman wore sunglasses and perhaps a hood of some sort, he said.- NYTimes

G. Giffords among Sarah Palin's 20 gun sights (via)

今日午前10時頃、美人議員ガブリエル・ギフォーズ下院議員(40)がアリゾナ州トゥーソンのスーパー前で集会を行ってる最中、銃を持った男が乱入。会場に居合わせた10余名を乱射し、John M. Roll地方裁判長、9歳女児(奇しくも9-11生まれ)、同議員事務所スタッフを含む6人が死亡した。






Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Talks Palin Cross Hairs

ラフナー容疑者のMySpaceアカウントは削除されたが、YouTubeアカウントはまだあり、12月15日に投稿された最後の動画「The Final Thought」には「夢追い人は米全人口の5%未満!」、「新しい言語」、「新しい通貨」、「政府は信じられない」と文章だけで綴られている。警察は「精神病ではないが錯乱している」と談話。軍に志願して不採用になった前歴も確認されたが、軍は不採用理由の発表を控えた(追:ドラッグ検査で引っかかったとのこと)。

The population of dreamers in the United States of America is less than 5%!
If 987,123,478,961,876,341,234,098,601,978,618 is the year in B.C.E. then the previous year is 987,123,478,961,876,341,234,098,601,978,619 B.C.E.

987,123,478,961,876,341,234,098,601,978,618 is the year in B.C.E.
Therefore, the previous year of 987,123,478,961,876,341,234,098,601,978,619 B.C.E.
If B.C.E. years are unable to start then A.D.E. years are unable to begin.

B.C.E. years are unable to start.
Thus, A.D.E. years are unable to begin.
If A.D.E. is endless in year then the years in A.D.E. don't cease.
A.D.E. is endless in year.
Therefore, the years in A.D.E. don't cease.

UPDATE: Catie Parker who claims to have been in a band with Loughner as well as his high school and college classmate said Loughner was a radical liberal. (Gawker)   He sounds like a libertarian to me... 
高校・大学の同級生で元バンド仲間のCatie Parkerさんによると、彼女の知るラフナー容疑者は「政治的には超リベラル」だったそう。リベラルってよりはリバタリアンに思えるけど…。

UPDATE2:  From DHS's internal memo obtained by Fox News;
 no direct connection - but strong suspicion is being directed at AmRen / American Renaissance. Suspect is possibly linked to this group. (through videos posted on his myspace and YouTube account.). The group’s ideology is anti government, anti immigration, anti ZOG (Zionist Occupational Government), anti Semitic. Gabrielle Gifford is the first Jewish female elected to such a high position in the US government. She was also opposite this group’s ideology when it came to immigration debate.

