タイガー・ウッズと離婚後エリン元夫人がやった10のこと:Things Elin Nordegren's done since divorcing Tiger Woods

It's been nearly two years since the outbreak of the scandal, and Huffington Post compiled 10 things Elin Nordegren has done since Tiger Woods scandal.

タイガー・ウッズのスキャンダル発覚からもうじき2年。エリン・ノルデグレン元夫人の「その後」を、Huffington Postが10枚のスライドにまとめていた。御曹司とハッピーエンド…と思ってたらもう別れてたんだね。

1. She bought house in small Swedish island.

2. She went back to school.

3. She did interview with PEOPLE magazine.

"I'm so embarrassed that I never suspected -- not a once" (PEOPLE)

4. She got $110 million.

5. She went out with ex-classmate.

6. She bought house in Florida, merely 10 miles away from Tiger Woods' home.

7. She dated with financier Jamie Dingman, the son of billionaire.

8. She broke up with him.

9.   She demolished her Florida house.

10.  She dated with San Jose Shark's Douglas Murray from Sweden.

I wish her all the best.

[Huffington Post]

Everything is Embarrasing FT. Blood Orange (via @koso)
